Our Blog & Resources:
Support for Living Your Vibrant Life
Over more than 30 years, both on my own journey and during the honor of working with many clients, I’ve seen that vibrant health is possible when we mindfully combine yoga, fitness, and wellness.
In these blog articles, I share with you some ideas you can integrate to help support your health and well-being — for today, and for your future.
Because life is truly a path, and each step leads to the next. Each experience we have and what we learn along the way create the space for the amazing human beings we are all meant to become.
My Favorite 10 Timeless Books
How Yoga Works. Geshe Michael Roach & Christie McNally
Guruji, A Portrait of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. Donahaye & E. Stern
A Life Worth Breathing. Max Strom
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Translation by Sri Swami Satchidananada
The Detox Miracle Sourcebook. Robert Morse
Light on Life. Iyengar
Meditation Secrets for Women. Camille Maurine & Lorin Roche, Ph.D.
Ashtanga Yoga, Practice and Philosophy. Gregor Maehle
Breathe Deep, Laugh Loudly. Judith Kravitz
Awakening the Spine. Vanda Scaravelli
Featured Posts
Making Time for You!
Are you on a digital devices the majority of the day? Whether it be your smart phones, lap tops, or any other hand held device,
We are all energy and our words and thoughts have an energy to them that will attract more of what we say and think into our lives, therefore, it’s so important to speak and think mindfully to align with our true nature.
Yoga Sūtra 1.1
The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali are full of meaning and over decades of repeated study, deep reflection, and practice each sutra serves as a point