Great Suggestions to deepen your experience-
Ashtanga Yoga
Yoga Mala, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois
Guruji, A Portrait of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois,Guy Donahaye and E. Stern
Ashtanga Yoga, Lino Miele
Ashtanga Yoga, Practice and Philosophy, Gregor Maehle
Ashtanga Yoga, “The Practice Manual”, David Swenson
Yoga and Health, Yesudian, Haich
Light on Life, Iyengar
The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga, Swami Vishnu-devananda
Jivamukti Yoga, Sharon Gannon, David Life
The Complete Book of Vinyasa Yoga, Ramaswami
Meditation Secrets for Women, Camille Maurine & Lorin Roche, PH.D.
Anatomy & Physiology
Principles of Anatomy & Physiology, Gerard Tortora
Human Physiology, Stuart Ira Fox
Atlas of Human Anatomy, F. Netter
Anatomy of Hatha Yoga, Doug Coulter
Manual of Structural Kinesiology, Thompson
The Anatomy Coloring Book, Kapit, Elson
Anatomy and Mechanics and Human Motion, Hay, Reid
The Physiological Basis of Physical Education and Athletes, Fox, Bowers, Foss
The Key Muscles of Hatha Yoga, Ray Long, Illustrations by Chris Macivor
Ayurveda & Nutrition
Ten Talents, Hurd
Eat• Taste• Heal, Yarema, Rhoda and Bennigan
Ayurveda, Scott Gerson
Yoga and Ayurveda, David Frawley
The Ayurvedic Cookbook, A. Morningstar
Staying Healthy with the Seasons, Haas
The Detox Miracle Sourcebook, Robert Morse
Good Reads
How Yoga Works, Geshe Michael Roach & Christie McNally
The Garden, Geshe Michael Roach
Breathing, Pranayama
A Life Worth Breathing, Max Strom
The Practice of Pranayama, Richard Rosen (7 cd’s)
Breathe Deep, Laugh Loudly, Judith Kravitz
The Little Book of Yoga Breathing, S. Shaw
Science of Breath, Swami Rama, R. Ballentine, A. Hymes
Teachers Manuals & References
Awakening the Spine, Vanda Scaravelli
608 Yoga Asanas, Dharma Mittra
The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga, Swami Vishnu-devananda
Yoga and Health, Selvarajan Yegudian, Elisabeth Haich
Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha, Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Kundalini Tantra, Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Path of Fire and Light Volume 1, Swami Rama
Path of Fire and Light, Volume 2, Swami Rama
Teaching Yoga, Donna Farhi
Fire of Love, Aadil Palkhivala
Classical Yoga Texts & Philosophy
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Translation by Sri Swami Satchidananada
The Essential Yoga Sutra, Geshe Michael Roach, Christie McNally
Four Chapters on Freedom, Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Yoga and the Sacred Fire, David Frawley
Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Svatmarama,Brian Dana Akers
On the Bhagavad Gita, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
The Bhagavad Gita, Easwaran
Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali, Swami Hariharananda Aranya
Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda
Light on Yoga, BKS, IyengarEssence of the Upanishads, Eknath Easwaran
On Living Life
No Greater Love, Mother Teresa
In the Heart of the World, Mother Teresa
An Offering of Leaves, Lauer-Manenti
Health & Fitness
Core Performance Endurance, Mark Verstegen
Core Performance, Mark Verstegen
Endurance Athlete’s Edge, Marc Evans
Jumping Into Plyometrics, Donald A. Chu
Functional Training for Sports, Michael Boyle