White Orchid Yoga teachers often take sabbatical—traveling to Mysore India to study with Sharath and other teachers—a chance to learn, and to renew. Teaching Mysore style classes is much more demanding on the teacher’s body then teaching led classes of any other style of yoga. For this reason Mysore teachers take breaks to continue their studies and give their body rest. For five weeks, beginning on Monday November 4th until December 6th, I will be taking a sabbatical from teaching Mysore. Since I’m unable to go to Mysore, India at this time, I will be taking my time off here in beautiful Florida. You will see me in the shala practicing alongside of you. Jade Skinner will cover for me on Mondays and Fridays; and Ally Ford will be teaching on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Tuesday will be Open Practice. I will teach two classes during this time on the November Moon Days. Please join me on Sunday November 3rd and Sunday, November 17th at 9:30-11am for Lunar Flow. Practice, Practice, Practice…All is coming -Shri K. Pattabhi